The new group will have the same basic mission, but with a more welcoming name to all, and more coordination with Caledon Oxbridge's Community Gateway.
Experienced Caledon residents provide mentoring to any newcomers who wish some personal assistance with day to day questions about our virtual world or about Caledon.
We will be cross posting the weekly schedule for classes at Oxbridge, hosting Newcomer's Teas and Dances, tours of Caledon, shopping trips, and whatever else folks think would be helpful to newcomers to our shores!
My heartfelt thanks to everyone who has already volunteered to become Mentors, and I look forward to having a lot of fun and meeting new friends and neighbors.
This will also be a great opportunity for all us oldbies to get out and see what goes on in all the many and varied Sims of Caledon.
I have repurposed a beautiful Four Winds house as a sort of "Clubhouse" for the Newcomer's Association. It sits on Aether Isle below Steam SkyCity. I am in process of furnishing it now. As it is on the site of Denver Hax's former laboratory I am being very careful not to dig too far down...
Upcoming events in planning stages for the coming months are lots of activity in Steam SkyCity, including our 3rd Anniversary - which will doubtless involve another Mad Scientist's Convention. And of course the Spring Egg Hunt...
It is no wonder you are an Oxbridge Dean, Mrs. V - you take a back seat to no one in making newcomers feel welcome!
I have planned to join the Newcomer's Association for several days now, but keep having senior moments. I will eventually remember and be in-world simultaneously.
What a lovely thing to mention when i take a group of ISTE educators on a genteel walking tour of Caledon Oxbridge this eve! http://librarytechmusings.blogspot.com/
thank you so much for your work helping newcomers feel welcome!
~Capt. Red
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